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Books & More Specializes in Romance


Romance readers, we've got you covered!  One entire room at Books & More is devoted to romance novels. To make it easier to find exactly what you are looking for, romance books are further grouped by sub-genre including historical, contemporary, suspense, paranormal and category romances by Harlequin or Silhouette.


  Love historical romance? We have thousands of them. Vampire romances are hot right now. You'll find them in our paranormal section along with werewolves, time travel, urban fantasy and more. Check out our large selection of Romantic Suspense where you'll find favorites such as Sandra Brown, Linda Howard, Kay Hooper and Iris Johansen.


Are you trying to find new authors that will add to your reading enjoyment? Just ask us for recommendations--Debra and Andrea are both romance lovers and are always happy to discuss their favorite books and authors with customers.


The Romantic Times Book Club Magazine has the latest reviews and upcoming releases of  Romance, Mysteries and Women's Fiction along with author profiles, tips for writers and publishing news. Get your copy here each month.